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Experts weigh in on Trump charges: ‘legally pathetic’

Former US Attorney General William Barr weighed in on the indictment of former President Donald J. Trump, calling it "legally pathetic" and an "abomination". The…

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Joe Rogan explores Biblical prophecy and morality with Riley Gaines

Swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines stops by for an interview with Joe Rogan   In a world where discussions on faith, morality,…

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Eric Metaxas Rebukes Carl’s Jr. for Super Bowl Ad: ‘Different Kind of Stupid’

Christian author Eric Metaxas calls real men to find a wife, get married, respect womenPopular Christian author and speaker Eric…

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Asbury Seminary releases revival schedule, moves meetings off campus

Historic revival moves meetings off campus, as thousands seek touch from GodAs the Asbury Revival has attracted visitors from around…

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Video Footage Shows Nancy Pelosi Accepting Responsibility for Security Failure at Capitol

Former House Speaker Accepts Responsibility for Security Failures & Lack of National Guard   In a newly released documentary, former…

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After Biden’s Iran deal, Trump predicted this would happen…

Trump predicted terrorism after Biden approved $6B for Iran In a message recorded by President Donald Trump in August, the…

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