Can one word change your life?

By Dan Britton 5 Min Read
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“I’m asking God for one thing, only one thing.” — Psalm 27:4a

For the past 24 years, I have ditched New Year’s resolutions and instead developed a One Word vision statement. For 12 months, my One Word becomes a driving force in my life. My One Word isn’t about “what” but “who” and “why.” I focus on “who do I want to become,” not “what do I want to accomplish.” It defines me and drives me to live on purpose with passion. Developing One Word has brought changes to all aspects of my life.

My One Word doesn’t only make a difference in my life, but it also impacts the lives of others because it helps me invest in what really matters. It gives me clarity and focus to live for Christ and make the greatest impact for the glory of God. Each year becomes a chapter to the story God is writing with my life; it’s as if each One Word titles my chapters. My life has been permanently marked with words like intimacy, obedience, refresh, generous and grace.

There are many words that could define the last several years for many: loss, pain, trials, change and suffering, to name a few. But One Word has helped me reframe and see the positive.

Despite the challenges of the past several years, my One Word kept me focused on finding God’s wisdom and sharing it. God showed me that wisdom is simply seeing things the way He sees them. He showed me wisdom is always shared—never for me to keep to myself. Wisdom, not trials, is the narrative of my last year. It wasn’t a perfect year, but it was God-marked because wisdom led the way.

A new year offers us time to evaluate and reflect on our hopes and dreams.

Looking in, we prepare our hearts and disengage from the hectic pace of life by eliminating noise and clutter. Looking up, we ask God to reveal what He wants for us. Looking out, we discern how to live every day of the upcoming year with meaning and mission, purpose and passion. We anticipate the possibilities.

I’m believing this next year will be great. I believe it could be defined by words like revival, breakthrough, anointing, healing and unity. I’m believing the best and trusting God to work in amazing ways.

As we look forward to 2024, what story do you want to tell at the end of the year?

Over the last few weeks, I have been asking the Lord for the One Word He wants for me in 2024. Some years, it’s like my word finds me. Other times, I feel like I am digging deep on a treasure hunt to discover it.

I have experienced God’s transforming, miraculous power over the past 24 years of my One Word journey. Each year stands alone as a powerful testimony of how God refined, shaped, molded, and developed me into who He wanted me to become. Through the valleys and mountaintops, He has taken me deeper to become more like Jesus. I can’t wait for what 2024 will bring.

Join me this year on a One Word adventure. Pray for God to give you a word that will keep you focused on things that really matter. And yes, One Word can change your life!

Dan Britton is a speaker, writer, coach and trainer who serves as the Chief Field Officer with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and leads thousands of staff in over 100 countries. Britton played professional lacrosse with the Baltimore Thunder and has coauthored seven books, including: One WordWisdomWalks, and Called to Greatness. He is a frequent speaker for companies, nonprofits, sports teams, schools, and churches.

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Dan Britton is a speaker, writer, coach and trainer who serves as the Chief Field Officer with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and leads thousands of staff in over 100 countries. Britton played professional lacrosse with the Baltimore Thunder and has coauthored seven books, including: One Word, WisdomWalks, and Called to Greatness. He is a frequent speaker for companies, nonprofits, sports teams, schools and churches.
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