The Call for Compassion and Respect in Leadership and Society
“How you doin?” A phrase so brilliantly coined by Joey on Friends, humorously embraces us all as we peer through the window of the current state of our country and the current state of respect, or to be frank, a lack thereof.
Is it just me, or is there a serious issue with respect prevalent in our leadership these days? I am finding it hard to watch politically-tilted interviews on TV and the recent confirmation hearings, for example.
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To be crystal clear, I am writing this from a middle ground point of view. I have friends and family who are left wing Democrats, friends and family who are right wing conservatives, and friends and family who fall somewhere in between. I love them all, and quite frankly I don’t know you, but I love you too. I am an eternal optimist in a predominantly pessimistic world and don’t plan on changing. I write to provoke thought, wellness, and positive change for the people. I write to stir up those emotions swirling inside of you and get you curious about different ways of looking through your own lens; from internal angles you never even knew were there. If pushed on where I stand, I would say… I am not left wing. I am not right wing. I fly with both wings. I work to embrace all, even when it is hard.
Remedial Course In Manners
One of my most recent thought frolics is that many of our mainstream leaders, news anchors, and reporters could use a remedial course in manners.
Coming off the 2024 presidential campaign I don’t know about you, but I have an unpleasant taste in my mouth AND I also don’t know about you, but I am hungry for more kindness, consideration, and genuine leadership where those in a position of being in the public eye are truly role modeling for our youth. The reign of the great disrespect needs to come to an end. It is harmful, hurtful, doing real damage to people’s lives, and is setting the stage for behavior that most mothers and fathers wouldn’t tolerate in the home, so why have we let this be the pervasive norm in the media?
True inspiration stems from authenticity, genuine connection, and kindness from the core. These characteristics are not being displayed or practiced by many of our adults and so our children are missing a key component to stepping into their greatness.
A judgmental, arrogant, and socialistic approach to leading the people is no longer attractive to the masses, as confirmed by the recent presidential win. This should be a wake up call that it is time to start meeting in the middle, time to start cultivating collaboration, and time to start meeting eye-to-eye more than lashing tongue-to-tongue. I am personally fatigued by the continual media displays of blatant disrespect and unprofessionalism that plays out on screens across the country. It is time to outgrow this outdated way of interacting and behaving. We can do better. Our children deserve to witness better.
Manners Matter
If you happen to be blessed to be in the position of interviewing another person, be polite. Don’t try to throw your guest under the bus at every question because you think your viewpoint is superior. This is a dangerous place to operate from.
I often call myself a perpetual student of life, so I can keep learning and growing from those around me. I have also said it is easy to sit amongst those who think just like you, but it is a totally different game to sit with those who don’t. If you want to grow as a human I challenge you to sit with those who think different, look different, pray different, and vote different than you do. This is where you will really start to challenge your own internal dialogue and open the door for more compassion for your neighbor.
In my book, Stop, Drop, Grow, & Glow, I say “treat strangers like you would your child; with love, respect, and tender care, even if you don’t think they deserve it.” I would love to see this implemented and practiced by all. What a world we could create if despite disagreement we could extend humanity and connection.
The trouble we are having is many aren’t cultivating that kindness in places of work, in the home, in the media, in D.C … .and so how is this next generation going to be fit to have the skills to lead with integrity and grace?
We Can Do Better
We can do so much better. As a mother with children, I desperately want role modeling by the elders in this country to teach this next generation what it means to lead with compassion and with kindness. I am hopeful a new day has dawned.
It is time to stop dragging political leaders’ personal lives through the mud, this is such a disheartening distraction from making positive progress. What happens in the bedroom belongs in the bedroom, not broadcast on TV. Let’s return to a state of respect, honor, integrity, and wellness. It is time to stop the one-sided rhetoric and painting an inaccurate picture of the truth. Both sides have work to do.
It is time to start reminding one another of our collective greatness, not pointing out the endless weaknesses. This is counterproductive and taking away from what we could be achieving. We are stronger together. The time is now to forge a new path; one where love, consideration, respect, empathy, and kindness are at the helm.