The Erosion of Free Speech and the Fight for Truth in a Controlled Culture
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved.” – Benjamin Franklin
Free speech under attack
Imagine waking up to find your faith censored, your words erased and your job on the line — simply for speaking biblical truth. This isn’t a warning.
It’s reality.
In 2019, Christian authors had their books removed from Amazon for sharing personal faith journeys. In 2023, a pastor in Oklahoma was issued a five-year restraining order banning him from posting Bible verses on social media. In December 2024, a school employee in London was fired for supporting biblical marriage on a personal account.
The message is clear: Speak the truth, and you will pay the price.
Even more concerning, free speech is being rebranded as dangerous. CBS journalist Margaret Brennan suggested that free speech contributed to the Holocaust — a claim that is not only false but dangerous.
This movement to demonize free speech isn’t about protection — it’s about controlling the flow of truth.
Who decides what is acceptable to say? When institutions define truth, speech isn’t free — it’s permitted.
The same culture that celebrates “diversity” excludes diverse opinions.
The danger of redefining truth
History warns us against silencing dissent. Yet today’s leaders are repeating the same mistake—treating speech as the enemy rather than the safeguard of truth. And CBS isn’t alone in this revisionism.
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz recently declared, “There is no guarantee of free speech.” But who decides which beliefs are dangerous? In a culture where convenience trumps responsibility, truth is redefined as hate. To those who hate the truth, truth sounds like hate.
We now live in a world where biblical truth is labeled misinformation, and those who challenge mainstream narratives are silenced. The issue isn’t that people cannot find the truth; many refuse to accept it. When speech must conform to cultural pressure, it is no longer free — it is dictated.
At this rate, we may need to start putting trigger warnings on Bibles — or banning thinking altogether.
When the state controls the truth
History offers a chilling warning. In 1933, the Nazis burned 25,000 books in Berlin’s Opernplatz, erasing ideas they deemed “dangerous.” Dissidents were arrested, and their words criminalized. The state didn’t allow open debate — it controlled the truth.
CBS journalist Margaret Brennan’s claim that free speech enabled the Holocaust ignores reality. The Nazi regime didn’t use free speech — they abolished it. Hitler’s government shut down newspapers, burned books, and imprisoned those who dared to dissent.
The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, led by Joseph Goebbels, ensured only Nazi-approved messages were allowed. There was no open debate, no freedom to disagree — only state-enforced ideology.
As history has shown, when free speech disappears, things do not go well.
This aligns with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” in which he states: “Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.”
When free speech is suppressed, laws meant to protect the truth become instruments of control. Policies that silence truth degrade human dignity. They enforce compliance rather than conviction. When speech is labeled “misinformation” simply because it challenges the status quo, the result is not protection but ideological control.
This is why free speech must be defended — not only as a legal right but as a moral imperative. If we allow culture and government to dictate which truths can be spoken, we surrender not only our freedom but our responsibility to stand for what is right.
True freedom: Doing what you ought to do
True freedom isn’t about doing whatever we want; it’s about doing what we ought. It is not reckless autonomy but the responsibility to do what is right.
Truth serves as a mirror — it reflects reality, yet not everyone is willing to confront their reflection. Since the earliest days of Christianity, truth-tellers have faced persecution. The apostles endured beatings and imprisonment for preaching the gospel. Stephen was stoned for refusing to stay silent.
Free speech ensures that the mirror remains visible, compelling society to confront reality — even when it is difficult. Yet, we now live in an era where many reject the truth and demand that it conforms to them.
When reality becomes inconvenient, it is dismissed. When morality feels uncomfortable, it is challenged. Instead of adjusting their lives to the truth, many insist that truth adjusts to them.
Truth does not fear being questioned — only lies do.
If we allow those in power to define the truth today, what happens when they redefine it tomorrow? Who decides which voices are acceptable — and what if yours is next?
The battle is here
This is not just about free speech — it’s about truth itself. Speak boldly — before silence becomes the only option. Support those who stand for truth — challenge deception. Refuse to trade biblical convictions for cultural approval.
Because if we do not stand now, we may not get another chance.
The battle is already here. If we stay silent, the next generation may never know what truth sounds like. Start today: Speak boldly. Stand with those fighting for truth. Refuse to be silenced.
Dr. Stephen Cutchins brings over 20 years of leadership experience in education and ministry across four states. He has been actively involved with Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) for more than 16 years and now leads the Center for Innovative Training, Truth That Matters, as Executive Director. In addition to his role at SES, Dr. Cutchins serves as Teaching Pastor and Multi-Site Specialist at Upstate Church in South Carolina, recognized by Outreach Magazine as one of the top 10 fastest-growing churches in the nation. Dr. Cutchins has coached leaders nationwide through the North American Mission Board and is a sought-after speaker for churches, conferences, and events nationwide. As the founder of The Cutchins Institute, LLC, he leads a team specializing in executive coaching, consulting, and counseling services. An accomplished author, Dr. Cutchins has written and contributed to several books, including works published by Thomas Nelson Publishing.