Coffee in church question sparks viral conversation online

By THRiVE! News 3 Min Read
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John Piper asks if sipping on coffee in God’s house is appropriate

Pastor, theologian, and now online instigator (tongue in cheek) John Piper sparked a viral conversation online, and a heated one at that when he posed the question, “Can we reassess whether Sunday coffee-sipping in the sanctuary fits?”

The Minneapolis, MN-based pastor, chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary, and founder of Desiring God set off a firestorm of conversation with as varied viewpoints as there are drinks at a local Starbucks.

Jimmy Humphrey, @TableJimmys responded by saying, “Considering the New testament church primarily met in folks homes, and often shared a common meal together, sipping coffee in the sanctuary should not only be practiced, but encouraged.”

Amaka mbah |Feminine Leadership Coach@CoachAmakaMbah, believes that coffee in church is part of the seeker-sensitive movement. “These are things that were brought into church with the seeker-friendly movement. We made the church about the people, not about God. If you’ve ever been to meetings where the presence of God is literally- felt, with healings taking place- like the glory coming down on earth – everyone is so in awe with reverence to even drink coffee.”

1600 comments, 3,000 likes in a matter of hours

The post quickly gathered over 1,600 comments and 3,000 likes.

An Anglican worship leader responded saying she needs her coffee, and called it her “brain food.” A Catholic said drinking coffee in church is about as rude as you can get to the Lord.

While no definitive answer was concluded, we do know that the Lord is Lord of all and does not live in temples made by human hands (Acts 17). The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therefore. We also know our bodies are temples of the Spirit. As Paul said on these petty disputable matters, each one should be convinced in their own mind.

“One person considers some days to be more sacred than others, while another person considers all days to be the same. Each person must have their own convictions,” Romans 14:5.

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