Bible prophecy is coming to pass right now says Greg Laurie

By THRiVE! News 3 Min Read

Author and pastor says end-time prophecy is coming to pass right now

Author, pastor, and filmmaker, Greg Laurie is lining up current events happening in Israel and the Middle East with what he describes as Bible prophecy coming to pass before our very eyes. 

“The Bible tells us that in the last days, certain things will happen and friends, we’re seeing those things happen before our very eyes,” explained Laurie in a 6-minute recorded video published first on X. 

“The Bible says the Jewish people who are God’s chosen people would be scattered to the ends of the earth…the Bible says that same group of people would be scattered and then gathered.”

This and other important events have happened and are happening in this generation, leading theologians to believe that Jesus’s return is imminent. Laurie says some of these historic events are confirmations that we are indeed in the last days. 

One of the preeminent signs is Israel becoming a nation on May 14, 1948. Laurie explained that at this moment of prophetic fulfillment, “a prophetic time clock began to click when Israel became a nation.”

 The Bible also predicts that Israel will be surrounded by enemies and attacked from the north by Gog and Magog. 

“Many Bible commentators believe Magog is a reference to Russia” explained Laurie regarding the attack on Israel from the north. Laurie called attention to what is happening right now in Israel, as a sign of the times, pointing to the increasing conflict and possible attacks from the north of Israel by Hezbollah which is funded by Russia and the conspiring together against Israel by Iran, Russia, and terrorists groups who have stated Israel’s total destruction is the only option. 

“Russia is like a puppet master working through Iran, working through Hezbollah, and Hamas in their hostility toward Israel,” said Laurie. 


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