Why Christian Clubs in Public Schools Are Essential for Sharing Faith and Shaping Young Hearts
Are you concerned that your child’s faith and values will be negatively impacted in a public school? You are not alone. Child Evangelism Fellowship encourages you not to just see your child’s public school as a battlefield, but also as a garden where we can plant the seeds of love and truth daily — teaching discernment in our child’s lives while inspiring teachers to create faith-friendly classrooms. How do we do this? We lead by example, utilizing faith-based groups like Good News Club® in public schools, and promoting the collective action of Christians in public schools all across the country.
Faith-Friendly Classes
We want faith-friendly classrooms not only for the sake of our own children being able to express their faith freely, but also for the sake of the children who have yet to hear the Good News. Many children do not attend church and spend most of their time in school, so it’s important for them to hear God’s truth from their classmates at school, from a faith-friendly curriculum, from an after-school program, or from teachers when explaining historical facts.
According to ChurchLeaders.com, only 18% of Americans attend any denomination of Christian church. Polls show that religious practice increases with age, so we can assume the percentage of children attending church is even lower than 18%. In order to reach children where they are, we must reach them in public schools. Your influence and the influence of your Christian children are vital.
Good News Clubs Are Vital
After-school programs like the Good News Club® are vital because they allow kids to meet in their elementary schools and give them a fun, safe, faith-friendly environment to learn about Jesus and be cared for by its volunteers. Many of the children who attend do so because they have nowhere else to go, or because it’s a reliable place where they can experience the love of Jesus through their club teachers or classmates.
While these after-school programs in public schools may initially face obstacles because of misinformation or fear of legalities, once a club is established, teachers and administrators quickly come to love these clubs because they reinforce the kind of good behavior and character principles they try so hard to instill in their students. In a CEF survey of school principals, 87% of respondents had personal knowledge that the Good News Club has been a positive experience for their school. One principal reported “We have noticed an improvement in student behavior. Good News Club has provided us with an extra resource for our high-risk population.” God’s work in the heart cannot be denied or ignored, especially in the hearts of His little children.
Fear & Misinformation
Even with the undeniable track record that these faith-based after-school clubs have, there is still a lot of fear and misinformation out there. Many people still believe it’s illegal to talk about God in school, to pray or to hold Bible clubs on school property. However, in Good News Club® v Milford Central School District, the Supreme Court ruled that Bible clubs must be granted the same access to school facilities as any other non-school-related outside group. A public school that allows the use of its facilities to secular groups may not discriminate against religious groups simply because of their point of view. Such discrimination is a violation of freedom of speech. This equal access ruling is true even for adult-initiated and adult-led activities. Permitting the use of a school building does not violate the Establishment Clause. The school itself is not establishing or endorsing a religion, it is merely allowing equal access for everyone, regardless of point of view or religion.
Today’s youth are desperate for hope and meaning in life, especially after the many discouraging events in our world. Recognizing that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (unknown author), you can be part of the solution, planting those seeds of love and truth. Will you consider how God might use you to help your child’s school by clearing up confusion, getting involved in a Christian club, and advocating for the light of the Gospel to shine in your community?