Month: May 2024

Christian minister shot in Arizona while street preaching remains in critical condition

Pastor shot while sharing the gospel in street ministry Victory Chapel First…

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New movie by Kendrick brothers to release August 2024

THE FORGE brings new themes, characters, and story twists to the Kendrick…

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High School football coach was fired after baptizing players

Pressure by Freedom From Religion Foundation lawyers concerned "constitutional principle" In a stunning…

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IHOPKC issues report on initial findings of allegations against Mike Bickle

IHOPKC says they have refuted 5 of 8 accusations without 3rd party…

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Kirk Cameron warns about agenda of Scholastic, helps launch wholesome, family-friendly alternative

Scholastic's agenda exposed in SkyTree's extensive report The case has been made against…

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Muslim, intellectual, turned atheist finds Jesus

Ayanna Hirsi Ali's conversion is a reminder God can change any heart…

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Rolling Stone Magazine attacks Rabbi Jonathan Cahn with hit piece

Once popular music magazine has crossed the line into 'anti-Christian, anti-biblical and…

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All-star cast tells story of Jesus’ birth in ‘Journey to Bethlehem’

Antonio Banderas and Joel Smallbone among others star in new faith-based musical What…

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Finnish parliamentarian found not guilty of “hate speech” for Bible Tweet and other expressions

Appeal court unanimously dismisses all charges following high-profile free speech trial In…

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Why (most) Christians love and stand with Israel

Christians love both the land and people of Israel

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