The Time for Practical Ministry Training is Now

By THRiVE! News 4 Min Read

Wagner University is equipping and releasing ministry leaders in the seven mountains of culture

While most traditional theological seminaries focus on Bible interpretation, Scriptural exegesis, and theological disputes, at least one seminary and Christian University is breaking with tradition. Wagner University out of Rancho Cucamonga, CA is focusing on impacting the church, business, media, arts, entertainment, education, and family with the practical works of Jesus including apostolic leadership, healing the sick, and setting captives free. Their goal? Raise up more apostolic and prophetic leaders with a fivefold ministry framework, rather than just equip pastors and teachers to sustain a failing model. 

“We never wanted to be a traditional seminary,” explained Wagner Univ International Chancellor Dr. Che Ahn. “Since Wagner University was founded our mission has been to make seminary-level education available to all believers so that God’s people are equipped and ignited for revival and reformation.” 

Outside the four walls of the church

For Wagner University, ministry extends outside the walls of the church – offering business degrees, women’s leadership degrees, degrees in apostolic leadership, and healing/deliverance. 

“I use about 20% of what I learned after obtaining my doctorate from a traditional seminary,” continued Dr. Che Ahn. “I want our students to have real-life, boots on the ground training that readies them for ministry – whether inside the church or outside the four walls.” 

Rather than spending hours learning to translate/interpret Greek/Hebrew and mind wresting with theology, Wagner University focuses on teaching and demonstrating to its students how to heal the sick, cast out demons, evangelize cities and nations, and occupy and bring gospel transformation into the seven mountains of society. 

“Some students are called to church planting and pastoring, others may be called into media or business, or arts. Whatever the vocation, the need for leaders equipped to do the works of Jesus has never been more evident than now,” explained Dr. Che Ahn.

New wineskin for impact

Wagner has created what many describe as a new wineskin for effective ministry in an ever-changing world – online cohorts coupled with residential training, deep relationships, and ministry impartation from some of the top leaders in the church today including Lance Wallnau, Bill Johnson, Cindy Jacobs, and Shawn Bolz

“We believe the traditional seminary model and how we do church is changing rapidly. Wagner is equipping the next generation of kingdom leaders,” said Benny Yang, Vice-Chancellor of Wagner University. “Wagner educates and connects leaders for the global impact.” 

Wagner University, named after its founder Dr. C. Peter Wagner is taking this call to equip leaders with practical ministry skills seriously, equipping leaders in the United States and growing internationally in places including China, Japan, South Korea, and the Global South – places like Brazil, and Latin America nations.

“Christianity and seminary education isn’t about endless debates on doctrine and tradition, but about growing in the knowledge of God and stepping out in faith to do the works of Jesus,” said Dr. Che Ahn, International Chancellor for Wagner University. 

Practical application of Scripture and the ministry leadership gifts are needed now more than ever as believers and the church are up against some of the biggest battles in modern history. 

“We’re seeing a hunger from ministry leaders who want to take their ministry to the next level of impact,” explained Dr. Che Ahn. “It’s time to equip leaders with practical ministry skills for kingdom impact in all of culture.” 

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