‘Superspreader’ documentary coming to the big screens on August 19

By THRiVE! News 3 Min Read

Superspreader, the documentary about the worship movement started by Sean Feucht is coming to the big screen at a theater near you on August 19. The film chronicles the prominence of the lockdowns during COVID and one man and his movements response to being asked not to sing. In the trailer Feucht recalls this movement California Governor Gavin Newson tried to (illegally) tell people they could not sing in church. Feucht in the documentary recalls thinking at that moment, “Ok, it’s on.” 

Feucht who is no stranger to religious persecution having served the persecuted church for years in Iraq, even Iran, and other dangerous places for the gospel knew exactly what to do. When a government tries to exert its authority over the word of God and the command of Scripture, you disobey the government to honor the word of God. Having the clear command of Scripture to worship God at all times, publicly, privately, from the rooftops, and everything in between, Feucht mobilized. He started a petition that thousands signed. Next, they gathered to worship at the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Then they moved from city to city, defying the order of the governor and letting their voices be heard in heaven and by men. Thousands resisted, retaliated, and persecuted the group, but the movement has only grown stronger and their voices that much louder. 

Now the whole world is going to hear. 

The documentary was already shown to a small group of people in Anaheim, CA this past May. Now the whole world is going to hear the story from Feucht’s perspective and why he knew he needed to do something about the oppressive overreach of state government during COVID. 

Feucht recalls in the trailer a man who came to him and shared that what the government was doing during COVID was what happened to his nation, now under the rule of communism.

“He grabbed my hands and said, ‘All the things that are happening right now is how it began for us. America needs to wake up. You have to wake them up.”

Jay Koopman who has partnered with Feucht in bringing the call to evangelism and salvation at the events captured the movement in saying, “You have a plague, you have a pandemic, you have a move of God!.”

SUPERSPREADER Official Trailer

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