Attack on worship leader in San Diego

By THRiVE! News 3 Min Read

Worship leader, activist not phased by haters

Sean Feucht, the activist worship leader who has led the church in taking a bold stance against government lockdowns has been targeted in a vandalism and hate related crime in San Diego, CA this past weekend. The worship leader was scheduled to lead worship at City View Church for a special New Year’s Eve worship service. The night before the gathering, however, far-left radicals wanted to send Feucht a message of intimidation. But it didn’t stop thousands of worshippers from coming out and standing strong. 

“Last night, bigots spread hate and violence at a church where we are holding a New Year’s Eve event in San Diego, Feucht wrote on Instagram. “The police are investigating it as a hate crime. The enemy making the age-old mistake. Persecuting the Church won’t stop the gospel, it’ll spark a wildfire.”

‘We will not back down’

“We will not back down,” Feucht shared. 

The vandals spray painted phrases including,”Queers bash back”, “separate church and state”, “Christofacist not welcome”, “Sean Breeds Hate” and “No Safe Space for Bigots.”

Feucht was not even fazed by the attack, calling more people to come out than ever. The worship leader counted it as a blessing, sending a message out to his followers. “Tonight you’re going to see a resilient church,” Feucht shared on his Twitter account. “This is a prophetic night for what God is doing in 2023.”


As you can see, the church service was packed as thousands of worshippers brought in the New Year in the presence of God. 





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