Writer, editor puts out plea to Israeli government to evacuate Palestinian Christians ahead of further warfare in Gaza

By THRiVE! News 4 Min Read

1,000+ Palestinian Christians are in danger of major persecution says Messianic Christian leader

Joel C. Rosenberg, editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS, along with a CBN and TBN contributor put out an open letter plea to the government of Israel to allow Palestinian Christians to evacuate the area ahead of further warfare against the terrorist group, Hamas. 

Rosenberg who holds both Israeli and American citizenship sounded an alarm in his open letter, first published by ALL ISRAEL NEWS. 

“First, let me be clear: Palestinians who love Jesus Christ and are called to follow Jesus are not members of Hamas. They are not supporters of radical Islamist terrorism. They do not support the terror attacks on Israel. They just want to live in peace and be free to follow the Bible and love their neighbors. But right now they are in an impossible situation. They are trapped in northern Gaza – amid all the bombings and gunfire – and have nowhere in Gaza to go that is safe,” wrote Rosenberg. 

Rosenberg who has a unique perspective as both a dual citizen of Israel and the USA, as well as a Messianic believer in Jesus and an evangelical Christian, Rosenberg is one of the first to speak up publicly on behalf of Palestinian believers in Jesus. Rosenberg went on to explain that Palestinian Christians can’t go south because of the threat of further terror and persecution against them for their Christian faith. Instead, Rosenberg argues that they must be allowed to settle in Israel’s West Bank. 

“Because they have seen the genocide that ISIS launched against Christians in Iraq and Syria just a few years ago. Palestinian Christians are therefore terrified that they will be slaughtered if they go south. They are terrified that their wives and daughters will be raped if they go south.”

Rosenberg stated extreme persecution awaits Palestinian Christians if they are forced out of their homes and south into jihadist territory.  Rosenberg estimates about 1,000 Palestinian Christians are stranded and need access to Israel’s West Bank.  According to the United States Department of State, “According to various estimates, 50,000 Christian Palestinians reside in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and according to media reports and religious communities.”

God is moving among Muslims

The open letter comes out as reports are circulating online about the work of God among Palestinians and the salvation of Muslims. Those reports come from Dr. Michael Licona who shared on social media his contacts in the underground church in Palestine are giving him reports of dreams among Muslims of Jesus. 

Licona is a professor at Houston Christian University and author of The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus and “Paul Meets Muhammad.”

In addition to his role as editor-in-chief of All Israel News, Rosenberg also serves as editor-in-chief of ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.

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