Terry Crews on how his faith helped him overcome anger, revenge, and restored a broken marriage

By THRiVE! News 2 Min Read

Actor, TV host, and former NFL star shares at Lakewood Church


Actor, athlete, and TV host Terry Crews paid a visit to Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, TX this summer and shared how he overcame an incredibly challenging upbringing, forgave his father, released bitterness and unforgiveness, and how God restored his marriage. 

The America’s Got Talent host shared at Lakewood that even though he was raised in church, he didn’t understand that being born again is an action that you do, not just something you say until later in life. After playing 7 seasons in the NFL, Crews still struggled with bitterness and a list of offenses he held against people. Growing up with an abusive father, Crews grew up in fear, insecurity, and anger. In order to overcome this, he would become an ultra-man, working his way to be a “man above men.” 

Crews explained his father’s reign of terror in his home, along with being beaten up by drug dealers in his neighborhood birthed in him unforgiveness and revenge. 

Delivered from anger


“I walked around super, super angry.” Yet, he put on a front to other people. 

“Success involves forgiveness, cutting off the old, and moving into a whole new way,” explained Crews this summer on his visit to Lakewood. Crews shared that his revenge almost killed him. But God. 

“One thing I realized is that you are either a fool, a victim, or a king…the king is responsible for everything in his life.” This mindset helped Crews overcome growing up in Flint, an abusive father, drugs, gangs, and poverty, and take responsibility for his own life and decisions. Today, through the prayers of his wife, and the help of the faith community, Crews overcame, got free, and watched God restore his marriage, family, and faith. And now his light is shining in Hollywood and beyond as he brings light and joy to the entertainment world. 

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