AGT Host Terry Crews Calls for Reconciliation

By THRiVE! News 6 Min Read

TV Host and actor Terry Crews may be best known for his role on America’s Got Talent, his personality, and built physique, but underneath the shiny exterior is a man of deep faith with a heart for reconciliation. Now he’s breaking down walls instead of furthering the divide in America with a call to reconciliation.  

In a recent interview with Daily Show host Trevor Noah, instead of adding fuel to the cultural fire in America, Crews called for reconciliation, “If we don’t start this movement with the idea of reconciliation, we are just postponing a greater war,” he said. “And my whole thing is I didn’t hear a lot of reconciliation. Because reconciliation doesn’t mean agreement.”

Building on his point of reconciliation on the Daily Show, Crews who is a professing Christian, proceeded to give an illustration from the life of Solomon found in 1 Kings 3:16-28, 

“So Solomon, the wisest man says, ‘Okay, what we’re going to do is cut the baby in half. And I’ll give you half of the baby, and you get the other half.’ And one woman said, ‘Yes, that’s the way we do it.’ But the other woman said, ‘No, no. Save this baby. Save this baby. In fact, give it to her.’”

King Solomon gave the baby to the woman who cared to keep the baby safe and let it live.

“That’s reconciliation,” Crews stated. “It doesn’t mean you get the result you want. It means you’re saving it because dividing it is going to kill it. But when I look at America, dividing it is going to kill it. … We have to reconcile, we have to – white and black, male and female, Republican, Democrat – we have to find a way to reconcile, or we’re going to kill what we have.”

Crews spoke out as the BLM movement raced across the US that the solution to racism isn’t reverse racism. Instead he encouraged everyone to come to the table, saying, “we are all in this together.”

“Defeating White supremacy without White people creates Black Supremacy. Equality is the truth,” he shared.  “Like it or not, we are all in this together,” Crews tweeted. 

Thankfully people like Crews see the truth that healing and reconciliation are found not in recognizing race but in Christ. Jesus broke down every wall and provided access to God for all people everywhere. Ephesians 2 states, For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility…His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.”

Crews tweeted, “I believe it is important we not suffer from groupthink, and we keep minds of our own, and be allowed to ask difficult questions to each other. I believe this dialogue is important as we get through this trauma together. I love you.”

This isn’t the first time Crews has stood up for his beliefs and his Christian faith. Christian Post covered Terry and his wife Rebecca’s journey to wholeness and healing in Christ after infidelity and pron addiction. They thanked God for his work of grace in their lives. “Today, I look at my husband, and I always say he’s a better man than me. He took hold of the Word of God, and he took hold of the Scriptures, and he just ran with all his might. He said, ‘God, I don’t want to be like this anymore.’ And he amazes me every day. He really is the kinder, gentler version of Terry Crews because he let God do a work in his life,” Rebecca Crews shared.

In the end, this isn’t a black or white issue, this is a sin issue and sin can only and ever be dealt with at the cross of Jesus Christ. Instead of going with the crowd, people like Crews are speaking up and using their platform to break out of groupthink and speak the truth freely and without apology, even when pressured. Crews stood his ground and position even when pressured to back track. Today, people respect him more because of it. 

Crews is in the midst of promoting a new book Tough, My Journey to True Power available here where he examines arenas of life where he desperately sought control—masculinity, shame, sex, experiences with racism, and relationships—and recounts the setbacks and victories he faced while uprooting deeply ingrained toxic masculinity and finally confronting his insecurities, painful memories, and limiting beliefs. 

Terry Crews - “Tough: My Journey to True Power” | The Daily Show


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