Steve Harvey on faith-based motivation

By THRiVE! News 3 Min Read

Steve Harvey is no stranger. You’ve seen him all over television. From comedy, to game shows, and everything in between, this man is motivated. But what is behind his motivation, drive, and work ethic? Turns out, he lives every day with biblical principles and biblical values driving him. 

According to Harvey, these two Scriptures, from the Bible have changed his life and they can change yours too. 

“There are two scriptures that changed my entire life. If you do these two things, it will change your life. If you apply it right now, it can change your existence.”

What are they, wouldn’t you like to know?

Harvey continues, “The Scripture says “you have not, because you ask not.” Do you have any idea how major those words are for you? Most people don’t have the life of your dreams because you haven’t asked God for it.”

Harvey, in his Motivated+ videos featured on YouTube, says to stop trying to figure out life on your own, instead trust in Christ.

“You’ve been trying to figure life out and handle it yourself. Well, how is that working out for you?”

For principle number 2, Harvey says having vision for where you want to go in life is vitally important to your success and where you’re headed.

“You have to have a vision board! I don’t know nobody wealthy, who don’t have a vision board. Scripture says “write the vision and make it plain. So he who reads it will run to it, and even though it will tarry, wait for it. For surely it will come at an appointed time.”

“Here’s what I want you to do. Write everything you want from God on a piece of paper, be as detailed as you can. Write down 300 things, open up your imagination. Do not stop until you have 300 things. Read your list every morning and every night. One year from today, go down your list and check off anything that has happened for you.”

Next, you have to do this in faith, believing and expecting God to hear and answer you.

If you do this in faith, with the expectation that God is going to do some great things for you, at the end of one year, you will be stunned.”

In the end, we know it comes down to having a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith. Like Harvey, you too with God’s help in Jesus can overcome the odds, fulfill your purpose and serve God in your generation.

“Do these two things, it will change your life. #1 You have not, because you ask not. Start asking God. #2 Write the vision and make it plain. Write your vision down.”

Write Your Vision | Motivated +

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