Pastor John MacArthur pens open rebuke & letter to Governor Gavin Newsom

By THRiVE! News 4 Min Read

In a scathing response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s pro-abortion billboards, Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Church in Sun Valley, CA penned an open letter calling for the Governor’s repentance and turning back to God. 

“Almighty God says in His Word, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Scripture also teaches that it is the chief duty of any civic leader to reward those who do well and to punish evildoers (Romans 13:1–7). You have not only failed in that responsibility; you routinely turn it on its head, rewarding evildoers and punishing the righteous.”

MacArthur who previously clashed with the government over COVID restrictions on his church, held nothing back, calling the Governor’s actions wicked and murderous. 

“In mid-September, you revealed to the entire nation how thoroughly rebellious against God you are when you sponsored billboards across America promoting the slaughter of children, whom He creates in the womb (Psalm 139:13–16Isaiah 45:9–12). You further compounded the wickedness of that murderous campaign with a reprehensible act of gross blasphemy, quoting the very words of Jesus from Mark 12:31 as if you could somehow twist His meaning and arrogate His name in favor of butchering unborn infants. You used the name and the words of Christ to promote the credo of Molech (Leviticus 20:1–5). It would be hard to imagine a greater sacrilege.”

MacArthur’s boldness though is warranted and receiving widespread support from Christians everywhere. The post went viral across social media garnering 550 shares and over 60 comments in just a few hours. 

Supporters of MacArthur wrote in expressing their support for the pastor’s bold stance. Hamilton Mark wrote on Facebook, “What grace and mercy is extended in this gospel filled plea. This is good and right to do. I believe this gracious call and calling out must be done in our cities across the nation. Especially for those of us who have practical tyrants. A presentation of personal pleas to turn to Christ and govern as ministers of God for the glory of God and the good of the people. To turn away from godless policies and obey the only Sovereign before it’s too late.”

Glen N Becky Cardaronella also wrote in saying, “Thank you Pastor John for taking this righteous stand against the evil agenda of our Governor, that so many Christians in our State oppose and for your compassionate plea for his repentance and salvation. We call on all Pastors to endorse your letter and humble pray for our Governor and the many politicians and appointed officials in our State that support his radical, unbiblical and blasphemous policies. May we all fall on our faces, pleading to our great God for their repentance and salvation.”

MacArthur closed his letter to the Governor stating, “Our church, and countless Christians nationwide, are praying for your full repentance. Please respond to the gospel, forsake the path of wickedness you have pursued all your life, turn to Christ, ask for forgiveness, and use your office to advance the cause of righteousness (as is your duty) instead of undermining it (as has been your pattern).

“Governor Newsom, “now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).”

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